Wonderful III Chinese Restaurant

Madarin, Szechuan, and Hunan cuisine

About the Food

How much food should I order?

Most dishes are served family style. You'll pass them around for everybody. Order about one dish for each person, plus rice. An appetizer counts as a dish, and so does soup. Don't include small children – there will be plenty of food for them. If you're feeling hungry, order more, because you can take the leftovers home.

About spiciness

Our most popular dishes

Sweet and Sour Pork, General's Chicken, Sesame Chicken, Pork Chow Mein.

Classic Chinese restaurant dishes in the USA

Watching your health?

Did you know?

Wonderful III cooks 200-300 pounds of rice per week!

The difference between tofu and bean curd

"Regular tofu is soft and white, but golden brown bean curd is a Chinese delight!"